In sterile conditions she was grown well, Mommy and daddy did a wonderfull job. The tube is carefully cleaned from their attention and tities. Something went wrong in the laboratory of lies, The tube burst into thousand pieces, The mother was scared and shouted out loud. The father said "Perfect and it can be better with claws and sharp teeth". Decision to change the nature of creature has boomed sick scientist's mind. So he pumped up with knowledge, some fire and some hopes Her virgin and innocent heart. The mother was down, she was not there for her, But she wanted "everything best for her". Experiment failed, the great minds were sad, The creature did not meet requirements of heaven: Too agressive, too hungry, Too stupid, too ugly. Affraid to be killed it ran from creators away.. Too long it has been searching for food and love shelter, No blood and no meat to be met. Washing herself in tender waters of ocean, She saw someting shiny under her breast: A stergeon was swimming near by chance. His scale was brighter than diamond sky And tail was elegantly dressed with azure flares. Jumping in water he wanted to play, To make new close friends with the starving cat. Her claws were scratching like devil, And toung was seeking for blood, But heart was fullfiled with the warmest feelings. "Let's play, my lovely fresh friend", she said. Intoxicated green eyes were looking suspicious For stergeon's sensetive instincts, So he wished to escape from delicate feelings And run from skinny predator away. "Do not want to kill you, just need something to love or to eat". "I am not here for being a dish", - screamed the fish. The hunger and love were fighting again In damaged creature's soul... The time passed and there is a need to decide. "I wish you to swim far away from my heart, My feeling of love is stronger than instinct, I want you the best and you are created for love And do not be affraid of its nature". As soon as he swam, the cat lost her strength, She was in the water for too long, So tired from holding on her deserted image of life, So exhausted from fighting with her nature and instincts, From infinity hunger and emptiest hopes She let her body to be drown in the purple hollow. Polina Kovaleva (EBC)

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